Friday, March 18, 2011

Japan's heart gone

The tolls of missing people have reached 16 thousands, with 6 thousand confirmed dead.
Close to 25 hundred have been injured, more injured each day.
The tolls are rising, and 53 thousand buildings have been destroyed.
The creator of Pokemon died.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Emperor's prayer

The Emperor of Japan, Akihito, told the world on the live news that he was praying for the safety of Japan's citizens, in the wake of the Earthquakes and the more deadly Tsunami's.
'Many people are dying each day and we have no way of knowing how many,' he spoke in the brief speech.
'I am praying for all of the people in Japan.'

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Japan hit by Eartquake

ON the 9/3 2011, Japan was hit by an earthquake, which measured 7.3!
This caused a small tsunami.
The government estimated that if this continued, %30 of people might be killed in Tokyo alone

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

26 people killed in Drug war

7 police officers were also in the death toll of 26 people when they were caught in a drug war between 2 gangs.
This happened on the Mexican border, March 8th, 2011.
Even patrol figures were destroyed!
1 person described it as a massacre.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Kiwi auctions rock

A New Zealander made the best of what happened by auctioning the boulder that smashed his home.
He described it as 'suitable for a gardening feature.' The rock weighs 25 tonnes.
It was sold on the 22nd of February, for $7338 Australian dollars, or more then $10000 NZ dollars!
It was named Rocky. 'Rocky will be all the decoration you will need in your backyard!'

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2 kids found in luggage

2 children were found in pieces in a duffel bag.
The girl was 6-12 years old and the boy was 10-12.
No one knows how long they were in the water.
The currents from the water could of carried them from another city entirely, so the killer might not even be from the city.

People are warned that a very dangerous person is still on the loose as we know it and that he has possibly moved to another country

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Teen dad shot

A 17-year old teen dad was shot after he took his 5 year old son and stabbed him.
After fighting with his wife, he fled with the child.
By sending messages to his wife, the police managed to track him down. They shot him down when he tried to free.
The baby had a stab wound when they found him. He was rushed to hospital. The status is unknown so far.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Christchurch Victims are put to rest

Millions of people across the country had a two minute silence as the citizens acknowledged the deceased.
The PM asked everyone to stop for a little while to have a few minutes of silence.
Heads were bowed as the people stopped.

Another Australian who lived in Christchurch is believed dead.Britishn and Australian teams have also been looking out for any survivors, having arrived in Christchurch a while ago
They have been on rations for several days now.

The cost from the earthquake to repair the damages are around $20 billion. New Zealand is wounded, struggling to reclaim Christchurch's beauty again.