Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Science at Work

  • The metric system was developed in the late 18th century in France. It was used to replace the separate and clumsy systems before it.

    A standard metre was not defined in the late 18th century until later on. It was said to be one of tenth of a millionth, of the distance of circle, or the distance of the poles at the end of the earth

    Standards of Measurement means a measurement that is acuurate and help people understand the right amount. An example is in an industry making medicine.

  • Atmosperic pressure ( or Air pressure ) is measured in millibars .
    Forces is measured in Force.
    Energy is measured in Joules.
    Electrical Currents are measured in Electrons.
    Electrical Voltage is measured in Volts.

    Megatonnes are used in weight (Mt).
    Decibels are used in sound (dB).
    Gigabytes are used on the computer (Gb).

    School Work! ;)


School text book

Yahoo answers

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