Friday, September 23, 2011


We boarded the plane at midnight. Everyone was so excited, and when we boarded I found out I was sitting with total strangers. I fell asleep straight away and woke up at 0130. We had taken off at 0045, and we had ordered breakfast but they gave it to us at 0120. Even though it was small, it was filling. After that we stayed awake for a while, before we all slept for three hours. After that I found out that we had "borrowed" a PSP from Air Asia. I played one game too much, which was a stealth game. The sad thing was that I did the opposite, being Snake, a stealth guy, I kept sniping and charging into glory.
After we landed we quickly got out of customs and retrieved our luggage. We surprisingly found ourselves in my uncles car. I slept for maybe two hours in the car. The distance from the Kuala
Lumpar airport to my uncle and aunty's place in Sitiawan. When we arrived there we were greeted by our aunty and my cousin Hayley. Her two older siblings were at school, and we unpacked and had 2nd breakfast. The weather was so hot, or panas in Malay/Indonesian.
Another annoying thing was the amount of flies here. They were everywhere! I went outside (the backyard was a bit bigger then a gym!) and kicked the soccer ball around. I also found out that the house was actually a really big one, with three families, or related of course, living in different areas!
We then went jut to have lunch at a place called Old Town (which stands for coffee shop). I had fried chicken with rice and honey lemon Ice tea cold. The cold drink was bliss against the hot, unrelenting weather.
We then went to a shop, where they sold books (buku) and sport stuff. I bought a four sided pen and a notebook. We were also given homework.
We went to The Steakhouse for dinner. I had honey lamb mustard. I also finished off most of a pizza and a chocolate croissant.
When we returned I took a shower and sat down in front of the TV. I then watched Wipeout 4 with my brother and sister.I then started playing a game on my IPod (Get Game centre and Gun bros).
My two cousins then came back from swimming and we went to sleep.

Note: Using Malay time from now.

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