Friday, September 23, 2011


Today I woke up a 0515, which was normal time back in Melbourne. I stayed in bed for another half an hour. Because Foxtel in Malay is called Astro, we watched sone shows on cartoon network and some CSI shows.
For breakfast I had toast and a half boiled egg. After that I had both a manicure and a pedicure. Now if your thinking I am a girl, then forget about it. I am a boy. The only reason I did it was too get clean nails. No colour. Anyway, it took half an hour, and after hat we spent some time (me and my brother) playing Gun Bros and looking through the security main frame. Yes, there were many security cameras. That was, until my sister brought up a nerd gun. An hour past and we were shooting at each other, and all but 1 child was following Xander, trying to stop me shooting him.
My mom stopped it though. She told us to put it away and we sat, waiting for lunch, which was roti with dahl. After that I had watered down beetroot juice, a Magnus ice cream and a vitagen (basically yakult).
We then sat down and did work. Courtesy my mom, I had 2 science and a math book. I completed most both science chapter 1 and finished a chapter in math.
We then went to the optometrist. I figured that my power was 225-250 for my eyes, and I'll get my new spare glasses tomorrow . We also went to the tailor for my mom, the place we went to yesterday to buy badminton rackets and shuttlecocks, and some general browsing. Finally, we went to a shop to buy coke and some other stuff.
On our return we found out we had an hour before dinner. I took half this time to log onto facebook on my aunties laptop, as well as my online game (, Caesary server 11 Valens, name: Cooper, League: TeAmEdGe)
I then took a shower and dressed into shorts and a short shirt with a tie on it. For half an hour, we were plagued with the constant screaming, yelling, shouting and hitting of the 4 little ones in the back (They all fitted with seat belts on). We then arrived at the place, called Ling Sing Kee (air-cond) Sea-Food Restaurant. We had (look at the place) seafood (no duh), sweet and sour pork, chicken, vegetables, crab, and fried rice. To finish of we had yam flavored ice cream with chocolate chips and chocolate flavored topping.
Back at home I went on the laptop for a while, until the battery went out. Then I tried to get to sleep.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

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