Monday, September 26, 2011


Today I was awoken by the rise of a curtain, the shining light and the screaming of 3 energetic kids. At the moment of waking up, they were soon upon me, "gang bashing" me in a moment. Those that know me are probably thinking how weak I am, let's 0review the situation. Bleary eyed, you're attacked by a pack of kids armed with pillows. Adding to the fact I couldn't hit them, my day started downhill.
It went down when I couldn't move thanks to what everyone suspects as an overdose of yam. I got over it but it took about 15 minutes.
For breakfast was an egg and some toast. Then I played some badminton with my brother. I, naturally, won, and it was 2-0 on the score.
After we went to a big shopping complex. The shop we went to was a combination of Coles, Safeway/Woolworths and Kmart. I bought some shorts and we wen to buy sushi from Sushi King. I had fried squid and fried chicken, as well as sushi with shredded crab.
When we returned for lunch I had pretty much finished most of the Sushi King food (we bought sushi at the combination place), It was around 12 in the afternoon, so we sat down and kinda watched Despicable Me. I was too busy reading and listen to music to watch.
When the movie finished, I was able to access the Internet via computer, so I not only went on my games, facebook and mail, I even managed to check out the scores for Geelong versus West Coast. Go Geelong!
We went out and played badminton again for 2 rounds in a basketball court area type. I won both, and after played basketball with my cousins grandfather and my brother.
After dinner, which was carrots, mashed potatoes, lamb and fish, and Kickapoo to finish it off, I trudged up to my room and went on facebook using my IPod.
The kids had gone to watch a movie, but barely twenty minutes later they were back again.
After that was uphill. Me and Xan were playing games on the laptop while my sister played with the kids. Until we were forced to sleep.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

Friday, September 23, 2011


Today I woke up a 0515, which was normal time back in Melbourne. I stayed in bed for another half an hour. Because Foxtel in Malay is called Astro, we watched sone shows on cartoon network and some CSI shows.
For breakfast I had toast and a half boiled egg. After that I had both a manicure and a pedicure. Now if your thinking I am a girl, then forget about it. I am a boy. The only reason I did it was too get clean nails. No colour. Anyway, it took half an hour, and after hat we spent some time (me and my brother) playing Gun Bros and looking through the security main frame. Yes, there were many security cameras. That was, until my sister brought up a nerd gun. An hour past and we were shooting at each other, and all but 1 child was following Xander, trying to stop me shooting him.
My mom stopped it though. She told us to put it away and we sat, waiting for lunch, which was roti with dahl. After that I had watered down beetroot juice, a Magnus ice cream and a vitagen (basically yakult).
We then sat down and did work. Courtesy my mom, I had 2 science and a math book. I completed most both science chapter 1 and finished a chapter in math.
We then went to the optometrist. I figured that my power was 225-250 for my eyes, and I'll get my new spare glasses tomorrow . We also went to the tailor for my mom, the place we went to yesterday to buy badminton rackets and shuttlecocks, and some general browsing. Finally, we went to a shop to buy coke and some other stuff.
On our return we found out we had an hour before dinner. I took half this time to log onto facebook on my aunties laptop, as well as my online game (, Caesary server 11 Valens, name: Cooper, League: TeAmEdGe)
I then took a shower and dressed into shorts and a short shirt with a tie on it. For half an hour, we were plagued with the constant screaming, yelling, shouting and hitting of the 4 little ones in the back (They all fitted with seat belts on). We then arrived at the place, called Ling Sing Kee (air-cond) Sea-Food Restaurant. We had (look at the place) seafood (no duh), sweet and sour pork, chicken, vegetables, crab, and fried rice. To finish of we had yam flavored ice cream with chocolate chips and chocolate flavored topping.
Back at home I went on the laptop for a while, until the battery went out. Then I tried to get to sleep.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch


We boarded the plane at midnight. Everyone was so excited, and when we boarded I found out I was sitting with total strangers. I fell asleep straight away and woke up at 0130. We had taken off at 0045, and we had ordered breakfast but they gave it to us at 0120. Even though it was small, it was filling. After that we stayed awake for a while, before we all slept for three hours. After that I found out that we had "borrowed" a PSP from Air Asia. I played one game too much, which was a stealth game. The sad thing was that I did the opposite, being Snake, a stealth guy, I kept sniping and charging into glory.
After we landed we quickly got out of customs and retrieved our luggage. We surprisingly found ourselves in my uncles car. I slept for maybe two hours in the car. The distance from the Kuala
Lumpar airport to my uncle and aunty's place in Sitiawan. When we arrived there we were greeted by our aunty and my cousin Hayley. Her two older siblings were at school, and we unpacked and had 2nd breakfast. The weather was so hot, or panas in Malay/Indonesian.
Another annoying thing was the amount of flies here. They were everywhere! I went outside (the backyard was a bit bigger then a gym!) and kicked the soccer ball around. I also found out that the house was actually a really big one, with three families, or related of course, living in different areas!
We then went jut to have lunch at a place called Old Town (which stands for coffee shop). I had fried chicken with rice and honey lemon Ice tea cold. The cold drink was bliss against the hot, unrelenting weather.
We then went to a shop, where they sold books (buku) and sport stuff. I bought a four sided pen and a notebook. We were also given homework.
We went to The Steakhouse for dinner. I had honey lamb mustard. I also finished off most of a pizza and a chocolate croissant.
When we returned I took a shower and sat down in front of the TV. I then watched Wipeout 4 with my brother and sister.I then started playing a game on my IPod (Get Game centre and Gun bros).
My two cousins then came back from swimming and we went to sleep.

Note: Using Malay time from now.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Warhammet 40K

It is the 41st millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods, and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly power from the Dark Age of technology. He Is the Carrion Lord of the Imperium for whom a thousand souls ate sacrificed every day, so that he may never truly die.
Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit up by the Astronomican, the physic manifestation of the Emperors will. Vast battles give battle in His name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst these soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrade in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defense forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of Adeptus Mechanicus to name a few. But fir all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat from aliens, heretics, mutants—and worse.
To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruellest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned again. Forget the promise if progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace in amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

Friday, March 18, 2011

Japan's heart gone

The tolls of missing people have reached 16 thousands, with 6 thousand confirmed dead.
Close to 25 hundred have been injured, more injured each day.
The tolls are rising, and 53 thousand buildings have been destroyed.
The creator of Pokemon died.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Emperor's prayer

The Emperor of Japan, Akihito, told the world on the live news that he was praying for the safety of Japan's citizens, in the wake of the Earthquakes and the more deadly Tsunami's.
'Many people are dying each day and we have no way of knowing how many,' he spoke in the brief speech.
'I am praying for all of the people in Japan.'

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Japan hit by Eartquake

ON the 9/3 2011, Japan was hit by an earthquake, which measured 7.3!
This caused a small tsunami.
The government estimated that if this continued, %30 of people might be killed in Tokyo alone

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

26 people killed in Drug war

7 police officers were also in the death toll of 26 people when they were caught in a drug war between 2 gangs.
This happened on the Mexican border, March 8th, 2011.
Even patrol figures were destroyed!
1 person described it as a massacre.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Kiwi auctions rock

A New Zealander made the best of what happened by auctioning the boulder that smashed his home.
He described it as 'suitable for a gardening feature.' The rock weighs 25 tonnes.
It was sold on the 22nd of February, for $7338 Australian dollars, or more then $10000 NZ dollars!
It was named Rocky. 'Rocky will be all the decoration you will need in your backyard!'

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2 kids found in luggage

2 children were found in pieces in a duffel bag.
The girl was 6-12 years old and the boy was 10-12.
No one knows how long they were in the water.
The currents from the water could of carried them from another city entirely, so the killer might not even be from the city.

People are warned that a very dangerous person is still on the loose as we know it and that he has possibly moved to another country

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Teen dad shot

A 17-year old teen dad was shot after he took his 5 year old son and stabbed him.
After fighting with his wife, he fled with the child.
By sending messages to his wife, the police managed to track him down. They shot him down when he tried to free.
The baby had a stab wound when they found him. He was rushed to hospital. The status is unknown so far.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Christchurch Victims are put to rest

Millions of people across the country had a two minute silence as the citizens acknowledged the deceased.
The PM asked everyone to stop for a little while to have a few minutes of silence.
Heads were bowed as the people stopped.

Another Australian who lived in Christchurch is believed dead.Britishn and Australian teams have also been looking out for any survivors, having arrived in Christchurch a while ago
They have been on rations for several days now.

The cost from the earthquake to repair the damages are around $20 billion. New Zealand is wounded, struggling to reclaim Christchurch's beauty again.

Monday, February 28, 2011

More NZ survivors are unlikely to be found

After the terrifying earthquakes in Christchurch, the Kiwi's have been looking for more survivors, but that is unlikely.
So far the final tolls are exceeding 200 and 148 fatalities. The inhabitants are panicked for their lives.
The last sign of life was from a women pulling herself from the wreckage, to the relieve of the nearby people.
Even though the prediction was that there were no more, rescue squads are still searching the wreckage.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Body Systems

The circulatory system passes things like blood to parts of the body.

The Digestive system is what breaks down your food/drinks into useable resources

The muscular system is what allows things to move. Without it, we would be paralyzed.

The nervous System coordinates the actions to make our muscles move.

The reproductive System is used to reproduce babies, the male having sperm to transfer when having sex with females.

The repiratory system includes lungs and airways, to provide oxygen for our body

The sketal system hold the body together

The urinary system makes, stores and provides piss

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Science at Work

  • The metric system was developed in the late 18th century in France. It was used to replace the separate and clumsy systems before it.

    A standard metre was not defined in the late 18th century until later on. It was said to be one of tenth of a millionth, of the distance of circle, or the distance of the poles at the end of the earth

    Standards of Measurement means a measurement that is acuurate and help people understand the right amount. An example is in an industry making medicine.

  • Atmosperic pressure ( or Air pressure ) is measured in millibars .
    Forces is measured in Force.
    Energy is measured in Joules.
    Electrical Currents are measured in Electrons.
    Electrical Voltage is measured in Volts.

    Megatonnes are used in weight (Mt).
    Decibels are used in sound (dB).
    Gigabytes are used on the computer (Gb).

    School Work! ;)


School text book

Yahoo answers

Monday, January 31, 2011

Cyclone closing in on Queensland!

Hundreds of Tourists flee Queensland as Queensland Premier, Anna Bligh, warns people that Cyclone Yasi was going to hit the northen Queensland coast hard. The wind is measured to be going at 250Km/h! Towns and Islands have been evacuted and extra airline carriers have been used to transport people out. The flights fare are from at least $149 to $199!
Around 350 people are going to arrive to Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. A mass Evacution is still going on.

More at:

Djokovic Wins!

On Sunday 30th of January, 2011, Novak Djokovic wins the Australian Open. He won straight sets against Andy Murray, the scores 6-4, 6-2, 6-3.
Djokovic was the attacker that game, while Murray was the defender, as Djokovic launced many hard shots.
Murray lost it when he hit too low, handing over a win to Djokovic.
This is the second Australian Open that Djokovic has one in straight sets!

more at:

Friday, January 28, 2011

New Zealand clashes with Cyclone Wilma

On the 28th of January, 2011, the north island of new Zealand was battered by Cyclone Wilma. Shelters are now being constructed to hold 70 people, who had to be evacuated.
280mm of water fell in the area, blocking roads and some sewage plants. A water Treatment facility was also damaged. There are also some power outages Taupo bay, and a few others also have been reported having outages too.
This severe weather is now moving south.