Sunday, March 14, 2010

White Day.

Every Valentines day the females give chocolates to the males they like, which means a male could get more then one box. The chocolate can be bought in the store or homebaked.

Exactly one month later, the males give stuff to the female/s that he likes who sent him a box. If the female that had sent the male didn't get something, her heart was broken.

This is an important thing in Japan. If the Husband didn't give the wife something, she will be very mad, and vise-versa. It is also important for people who have girlfriends and boyfriends.

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Today we woke up at around 8am. Today was White Day and Saint Patricks day. White Day will be explained on my other subheading. We went to the station to buy food. At the FamilyMarket, I saw a kid that looked like me, and the simalarities were:

1. Wearing a cap

2. Eating food

3. Wearing glasses

Later on at the train station I saw another kid that looked like me, with no cap but reading a book.

My grandma had stayed back at the hotel do there was only 7 of us. We took multiple trains to reach Harajuku. At Harajuku I found a One Piece Sanji shirt, but my parents wouldn't let me get it.

We walked by lots of places, and came across a place of "Evil Bunyo's" clothes( Bunyo is my sisters toy). We had lunch at a very busy ramen shop. We went to Kiddy Land, where I bought a puzzle frame. We went into the station and the train until we cane into Machida. We bought some donuts, had curry and chicken meat with rice.

We ate the donuts on the long walk home. We sat down and packed our stuff for tomorrow.

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The Yakitori place.

Today we slept in. It was resting day, but it didn't really matter to me, because we would be out walking the whole afternoon.

We had lunch at a small ramen place in Machida. We then walked around the shopping centres and the streets for 5 hours. We took a train to a station where we had our dinner, which was Yakitori. We each guessed how many sticks we could eat, and I guessed 147. The total was 100, the same number as my brother.

We walked back home from Machida. My dad and uncle got a DSi LL. We did our stuff and went to sleep at 1am.

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

The crowded city.


Today we woke up early again- 6am. It was another false alarm. We slept for another 2 hours. We went to Machida and waited for my grandparents. We then went on a train to Ueno, where we looked at fake food. The men that was in charge of the place was so nice he let us have a free one. I got a sushi keychain.

We had tempura for lunch, although I didn't have any tempura. I had rice and hot noodle. We ate some black pepper chips from the restaurent First Kitchen. We took a train to Shibuya.

It was so crowded there. I was stunned by how many people crossed the road at once. The number was way above 300! My grandparents went to 109. My grandma almost fainted when she got up to the 8th floor. It was so full, there was no room for anything.

Meanwhile we were exploring the SEGA place of arcades. I got Bullet Bill from New Super Mario Bros. from a vending machine. We went around the place, and went to Tokyo Hands, where my grandma bought me a puzzle, which was a bounty one from One Piece about Sanji, and a set of barricades, traps, sandbags and walls for my models.

We had dinner at a souvlaki place, and I ate beef for an hour. When we went home my 2 uncles went to a 24 hour Internet Cafe, where you can sleep. Only people over 18 was allowed in. I slept around 1 am.

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Friday, March 12, 2010

Tokyo Hands and the big centres


Today we also had English breakfast. We didn't have much though. I had wanted the Japanese breakfast but my grandma said no. We saw my uncle eating alone in the Japanese breakfast restaurent.

We packed our bags and got onto the Bullet Train back to Machida. On the way I played the DS. I played my games, like Naruto and Mario Kart.

When we got off, we went to Tokyo Hands Machida. I got somethings for my models. We also went to a huge store, where I played my game on the Ipod. The game was Sid Mieirs Civilisation Revolution Lite. We walked around the place, and then had dinner at a ramen shop.

We went towards the station, looking at things as we went by. We walked to the Resol Hotel to get our luggage that we had dropped off at our grandparents apartment. We took a train back to Segami-Ono, and walked back to our uncles place. My uncle had gone to his collegue's house for a party and a sleepover. We played Little Big Planet: Future Battlefield ( paintball fight).

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Thursday, March 11, 2010



Today we slept in, which was the first time we did in Japan. We had a small breakfast, and packed our stuff. We went out of our rooms and went into the main building. When we went outside we gasped. It was snowing!

We took the bus for 2 hours. I played my games. I was sitting next to Kaitlin. She fell asleep on me while listening to her Ipod Nano. I had to wake her up when we reached the station.

We ate some bread and a little bit of curry. I had eaten some of my grandma's curry and a chicken tendori sandwich. We waited for the Bullet Train. We made up this game where if you step over the red box and into the white boxes with both your legs, then your opponent gets a point. You can also get a point if you fo a killing blow on your opponent. You can use hand to hand combat only.

On the Bullet Train to Kyoto I played the DS with my siblings. I played Naruto, and Mario Cart with my siblings. I was hungry so had a little bit of my mothers Bento Box, and my curry bun.

The hotel we were staying in had only 3 beds per room, so my brother and I were sharing a bed. We went shopping at the center next to our hotel. We had some donuts at Mister Doughnuts.

We went back to my parents room and I played New Super Mario Bros. on the DS. We went and had dinner at a place. For dessert we had ice cream and doughnuts at Mister Doughnuts.

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The Emperors Palace.


When we woke up we went to the 13th floor to have English Buffet. I had lots of food, including fried rice, fruit, bacon and egg, and juice and tea. It was delicous, although maybe the sausage wasn't that good.

We went to the subway and took multiple trains to the Emperors Palace. The Japanese Emperor came here in the summer over here, which is winter in Australia, so we were allowed to go in the area but not inside the buildings. I was playing Sudoku on my Ipod when we arrived early.

The Emperors Palace was stunning. There were around 80 people in the tour with us! We passed through the Emperors garden. We saw some fishes in the rivers. We also passed by the Ceremonial Praying area.

We had lunch at the Curry House. I was to pride to give up eating my large bowl of curry. We took a walk into a " mini " Chinatown, where my mother got me an owl for my desk. When we were there, it started to rain, so we decided to quickly go to the Sake Brewery.

The Sake brewery was intresting. There wasn't many people around. We went from point to point watching the TV's that showed how they made Sake in the 1928's and modern times. My brother and I took a 3 answer quiz. I won by a point.

We took a long train ride back to the hotel. We ate at our hotel, buying bento boxes and Yakitori stuff before and Mr. Doughnuts donuts. We had a good dinner. My grandpa had ordered 50+ Yakitori sticks, and left some for the ride tommorow.

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Monday, March 8, 2010

The Black Eggs!


Today we took a train to Odawara. We had breakfast on the train. We then took more trains and eventully a cablecar to Hakone. We saw lots of snow there. We stopped by the Black Egg Sulforous Valley, where there was snow!

We walked towards the Black Eggs, while Kaitlyn, Xander and I picked up snow and made snowballs. I was making lots of mini ones when we reached the end, and throwing them at posts. I accidently threw some at Kaitlin and Xander. We ate some Black Eggs, which were delicious. We used our remaining snowballs to make a snowman. Kaitlyn put some sticks into it, and a lump of snow, which looked like the snowman was being hit by some arrows! I got some owl chopsticks.

We took a boat cruise, and it was fun. I wasn't seasick, and I had hoped that I wasn't, and I was right. We took a bus down to the Prince Hotel.

We went to the Hot Springs. The temperature of the cold water was 20 degrees. The hot spring inside was 41 degrees. We went into both hot springs, and into the outside one, where we yelled at Kaitlin over the bamboo barrier.

We had some pork sandwiches, and I played my game on the DS. The game was Naruto Path of the Ninja 2. We fell asleep at 8:50pm.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

The huge centers


Today we went to the train stations by ourselves and bought breakfast there. We went to Ueno, which had a permanent exhibition. It was the National Museum of Nature and Science.

We went to Biodiversity first, learning about the sea, DNA and about living organisms, and thier Scientific name and species. We spent an hour in there, looking at the different things. There was also stuff about bacteria, which could be good ones or bad ones.

We went to science and technology next. Xander and Kaitlyn ran off to the toys( gadgets and experimental stuff) while my parents, my uncle that came with us to Japan, and I went around to look at stuff about Japan. I walked around for a long time, and listened to my uncle explain stuff to me.

We than went around to different floors, but I had gotten bored by then and usually sat down and slept. We stopped by the shop, and then walked to the station, and took a train to Akihabara.

We had lunch at the Homemade Curry Times place, and the curry was so good. I would recommend this place, and give it a 5/5. We than met our grandparents and uncle and walked around. I got a box of 4 Handgunmen from a box, and Xander got a puzzle.

We went back to the station and went towards the opposite direction. We went into a huge 9 storeys high store, which was called Yodabashi. I saw pretty good Iphone covers, which couldn't fit my Ipod. I got a Japanese watch, which was an analog watch with Japanese numbers and a word engraved onto the clock. In Japanese it is the word for fortune. I chose it for good luck.

We got on the train after we had left, and had a few snacks. We stopped at Segami-Oni. We managed to go to the wrong restaurent. We had to be 'rounded up' by our uncle. We had stir noodles and had one free drink. I had Calpis soda. We met my uncles other friends, whom were twins in their 10 year, but next month would be in their 11 year!

We walked back home. We stopped at the familymart, to buy breakfast. We went and took our shower as soon as we got home. My other uncle played the game he had bought- Bayonet.

Saturday, March 6, 2010



Today we woke up later than usual, because we finished off the Cirque de Freak, The Vampire's Assistant. It is a great movie. when we walked to the station we got there in 15 minutes, but my uncle started after us and got there the same time as us!

We took many trains, until we came into a station, which we bought a one-day ticket for Suijobus. We went on the monorail and went to the Panasonic and Eco green buildings. In the Panasonic place, Xander and I played New Super Mario Bros. Wii. E didn't have the game yet so we played for the maximum time- which was 10 minutes only.

We had lunch with my uncles friend, and after went on the monorail again, this time to the Venus shopping center and the Cars area, which had different sorts of cars. Xander and I went and did the Kids Driving test. We also did the car simulation.

We went into the shopping center next, walking around the place. We went into Berkenstans, and bought some shoes there. My shoe size was 40, which was around 27cms, and my mother and grandmother was 39!

We went into another shopping center. This time we were looking for a shop- the Naruto one but it had closed down. Instead I bought 2 small figures of a guy travelling around Japan. He was famous for exposing his Anus. I got the Mt. Fuji model, which was about him in Mt. Fuji drinking water, and a Kyodo model, with a flag. They were on sale for 200¥, cheeper by more than half!

We took lots of back entrances and departed onto the train. The first took 23 minutes and the second was 40 minutes. We walked to a place to have dinner, a Korean indoor barbeque to each table, and had lots of food. My brother Xander found out that the toilet seats can use splash the hard way- getting splashed on the back 6 times.

We went to have dessert at Denny's. I had a chocolate cake brownie with vinilla ice-cream and chocolate mousse jelly. We walked back to the apartment. We sat down and did our stuff.

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Ramen Noodle Meseum


When we woke up we had breakfast straight away. We had a buffet, of seafood, pork, poridge, rice, vegetables, fruit and Miso soup.

We went to the hot springs outside, right next to the sea. It was freezing cold as we walked outside, then burning hot when inside the spring. We then went inside to the men's but the springs had switched, meaning that there was no cold water.

When we arrived at the station, we had 40 minutes to kill, so we went into the souvinirs, and I got Kakashi Sensei's bell, athough it was a different colour. We then went on the Bullet Train again, and a was reading the only book in my Ipod for one and a half hours: Alice in Wonderland.

We went on lots of different trains; we even saw a double decker train! We took some wrong turns, but at last we ended up in China Town! We walked through the place, and I ate some Pork bun. We got some chestnuts for my grandparents andy uncle, who had left us after the Bullet Train.

We travelled to the Beer Village next, walking 10 minutes to the Kirin Beer Village. We listened to the Japanese speech, and we talked amongst ourselves. We had drinks: non alcholic of course ( I wanted Kirin Zero, but only adults who didn't want alcholic could have it) so I had 2 glasses of orange juice. My mother bought 6 small 150ml glasses for 580¥. We had some snacks on the way.

We then travelled to the the Ramen Noodle Musuem, and I had 1 big bowl of Ramen, and I small boel of Ramen, but both were from different restaurents. We had a look around, then left.

We went on many more trains, then went on a local train to my uncles place but he wasn't there.

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Hot Springs


Today we had Macdonald's for breakfast. I had a mega Mcmeal. We went shopping at the Food Garden. We bought snacks. My grandma ripped of my wobbly tooth(ouch)!

We ate ramen at a place in Odaware station. We caught the bullet train at 1:01 pm for one and a half hours. I played my Naruto on DS.

We went on a bus to our hotel. We played ping-pong from 3-4pm. We entered the hot spring(public) at 4:30pm.
We had drinks at a bar, and then went back to the hot spring.

We had dinner at the dining area, and after that went to the hot springs. My favourite techneque is to go on the cold water than go on the hot spring. We played games at the bar.

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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Shrines


Today we had breakfast at the dining area; there was a choice of European or Japanese breakfast but I chose European.

We went to the shrines and temples later on. We just walked around. My parents bought me a exellent studies charm

We caught the bus to the station, and began the long ride back. I got a Bento Box for lunch.

On the train I watched Naruto on my Ipod. I slept for 15 minutes. After that we took more trains until we came across the Mitaka station.

We ran to the community bus for the Ghibli museum. We got tickets and went there. It was about some anima shows made by Ghibli. We watched a short movie, walked around and bought some stuff. We got 2x box set, with 6 little figures with chain's on them.

We went back on the train to Shinjuku station, then went on another to our uncles. We had Pork for dinner, and my wobbly tooth is almost out, but I still have to endure pain.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The ninja village


Today we woke at 2:50am, but we thought it was 4:50am, so we thought we would miss the train. We were rushing, until we looked at the Japanese time.

We took the train from near my uncles place to another station, then took an express train to another, which we took another train, which we took another train, this one lasting 2 hours!

We went to the Tobu Square, where there was mini replica's of buildings. My favourite was the Parthenon from Greece, but it would be better if they had 2 more, one from early Greece, where the statue of Athena was still standing, and the one in New York.

We also went to Edo Village, where it was home of the ninja's. I bought 2 shurikens. We ate lunch there. After that we went on the trains.

We checked into the hotel, and then went to the family mini hot springs. We had dinner in the dining area. I served the tea.

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Monday, March 1, 2010



Today we woke up at 8 am. We watched a new show that was only out in the U.S, but we had downloaded and watched part if it while eating breakfast. The show was called Cirque De Freak.

We had 2nd breakfast at a sushi store and it was delicious. We had a set and we sat right next to the chef , so we could see what was happening.

We walked to the 100¥ shop, but it was really 105¥, because of tax. It was 5 storeys, but the only thing I wanted to buy was a multipurpose knife, but I wasn't allowed.

After that we went on a train to a shopping center. We walked around and played some games. After that we went on another train back to have dessert at Jonathan's, and had an vinilla ice-cream banana milkshake.

We went to a shop with 9 levels, each having different things. I mostly spent my time walking around, playing a game with Xander on level 7, and looking at the anima things on level 9. I bought my favourite anima character, which is in my subjects list. I bought Kakashi Sensei in a mini form, about 2cm tall. I wanted to buy a huge model, which I wanted to use as a special model in my stragety game, but I needed 100,000¥.

For dinner we went to a all-you-can-eat buffet. I ate lots, and kids got free drinks. We had 90mins to eat, so we ate fast. Xander fell asleep when he finished eating. It started to half snow, half rain when we came out. We took a train to a station near my uncles place, spent 10mins shopping for food, then arrived home.

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