Thursday, March 11, 2010



Today we slept in, which was the first time we did in Japan. We had a small breakfast, and packed our stuff. We went out of our rooms and went into the main building. When we went outside we gasped. It was snowing!

We took the bus for 2 hours. I played my games. I was sitting next to Kaitlin. She fell asleep on me while listening to her Ipod Nano. I had to wake her up when we reached the station.

We ate some bread and a little bit of curry. I had eaten some of my grandma's curry and a chicken tendori sandwich. We waited for the Bullet Train. We made up this game where if you step over the red box and into the white boxes with both your legs, then your opponent gets a point. You can also get a point if you fo a killing blow on your opponent. You can use hand to hand combat only.

On the Bullet Train to Kyoto I played the DS with my siblings. I played Naruto, and Mario Cart with my siblings. I was hungry so had a little bit of my mothers Bento Box, and my curry bun.

The hotel we were staying in had only 3 beds per room, so my brother and I were sharing a bed. We went shopping at the center next to our hotel. We had some donuts at Mister Doughnuts.

We went back to my parents room and I played New Super Mario Bros. on the DS. We went and had dinner at a place. For dessert we had ice cream and doughnuts at Mister Doughnuts.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

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