Monday, March 8, 2010

The Black Eggs!


Today we took a train to Odawara. We had breakfast on the train. We then took more trains and eventully a cablecar to Hakone. We saw lots of snow there. We stopped by the Black Egg Sulforous Valley, where there was snow!

We walked towards the Black Eggs, while Kaitlyn, Xander and I picked up snow and made snowballs. I was making lots of mini ones when we reached the end, and throwing them at posts. I accidently threw some at Kaitlin and Xander. We ate some Black Eggs, which were delicious. We used our remaining snowballs to make a snowman. Kaitlyn put some sticks into it, and a lump of snow, which looked like the snowman was being hit by some arrows! I got some owl chopsticks.

We took a boat cruise, and it was fun. I wasn't seasick, and I had hoped that I wasn't, and I was right. We took a bus down to the Prince Hotel.

We went to the Hot Springs. The temperature of the cold water was 20 degrees. The hot spring inside was 41 degrees. We went into both hot springs, and into the outside one, where we yelled at Kaitlin over the bamboo barrier.

We had some pork sandwiches, and I played my game on the DS. The game was Naruto Path of the Ninja 2. We fell asleep at 8:50pm.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

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