Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Hot Springs


Today we had Macdonald's for breakfast. I had a mega Mcmeal. We went shopping at the Food Garden. We bought snacks. My grandma ripped of my wobbly tooth(ouch)!

We ate ramen at a place in Odaware station. We caught the bullet train at 1:01 pm for one and a half hours. I played my Naruto on DS.

We went on a bus to our hotel. We played ping-pong from 3-4pm. We entered the hot spring(public) at 4:30pm.
We had drinks at a bar, and then went back to the hot spring.

We had dinner at the dining area, and after that went to the hot springs. My favourite techneque is to go on the cold water than go on the hot spring. We played games at the bar.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

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