Saturday, March 13, 2010

The crowded city.


Today we woke up early again- 6am. It was another false alarm. We slept for another 2 hours. We went to Machida and waited for my grandparents. We then went on a train to Ueno, where we looked at fake food. The men that was in charge of the place was so nice he let us have a free one. I got a sushi keychain.

We had tempura for lunch, although I didn't have any tempura. I had rice and hot noodle. We ate some black pepper chips from the restaurent First Kitchen. We took a train to Shibuya.

It was so crowded there. I was stunned by how many people crossed the road at once. The number was way above 300! My grandparents went to 109. My grandma almost fainted when she got up to the 8th floor. It was so full, there was no room for anything.

Meanwhile we were exploring the SEGA place of arcades. I got Bullet Bill from New Super Mario Bros. from a vending machine. We went around the place, and went to Tokyo Hands, where my grandma bought me a puzzle, which was a bounty one from One Piece about Sanji, and a set of barricades, traps, sandbags and walls for my models.

We had dinner at a souvlaki place, and I ate beef for an hour. When we went home my 2 uncles went to a 24 hour Internet Cafe, where you can sleep. Only people over 18 was allowed in. I slept around 1 am.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

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