Saturday, March 6, 2010



Today we woke up later than usual, because we finished off the Cirque de Freak, The Vampire's Assistant. It is a great movie. when we walked to the station we got there in 15 minutes, but my uncle started after us and got there the same time as us!

We took many trains, until we came into a station, which we bought a one-day ticket for Suijobus. We went on the monorail and went to the Panasonic and Eco green buildings. In the Panasonic place, Xander and I played New Super Mario Bros. Wii. E didn't have the game yet so we played for the maximum time- which was 10 minutes only.

We had lunch with my uncles friend, and after went on the monorail again, this time to the Venus shopping center and the Cars area, which had different sorts of cars. Xander and I went and did the Kids Driving test. We also did the car simulation.

We went into the shopping center next, walking around the place. We went into Berkenstans, and bought some shoes there. My shoe size was 40, which was around 27cms, and my mother and grandmother was 39!

We went into another shopping center. This time we were looking for a shop- the Naruto one but it had closed down. Instead I bought 2 small figures of a guy travelling around Japan. He was famous for exposing his Anus. I got the Mt. Fuji model, which was about him in Mt. Fuji drinking water, and a Kyodo model, with a flag. They were on sale for 200¥, cheeper by more than half!

We took lots of back entrances and departed onto the train. The first took 23 minutes and the second was 40 minutes. We walked to a place to have dinner, a Korean indoor barbeque to each table, and had lots of food. My brother Xander found out that the toilet seats can use splash the hard way- getting splashed on the back 6 times.

We went to have dessert at Denny's. I had a chocolate cake brownie with vinilla ice-cream and chocolate mousse jelly. We walked back to the apartment. We sat down and did our stuff.

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