Friday, March 12, 2010

Tokyo Hands and the big centres


Today we also had English breakfast. We didn't have much though. I had wanted the Japanese breakfast but my grandma said no. We saw my uncle eating alone in the Japanese breakfast restaurent.

We packed our bags and got onto the Bullet Train back to Machida. On the way I played the DS. I played my games, like Naruto and Mario Kart.

When we got off, we went to Tokyo Hands Machida. I got somethings for my models. We also went to a huge store, where I played my game on the Ipod. The game was Sid Mieirs Civilisation Revolution Lite. We walked around the place, and then had dinner at a ramen shop.

We went towards the station, looking at things as we went by. We walked to the Resol Hotel to get our luggage that we had dropped off at our grandparents apartment. We took a train back to Segami-Ono, and walked back to our uncles place. My uncle had gone to his collegue's house for a party and a sleepover. We played Little Big Planet: Future Battlefield ( paintball fight).

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

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