Friday, March 5, 2010

The Ramen Noodle Meseum


When we woke up we had breakfast straight away. We had a buffet, of seafood, pork, poridge, rice, vegetables, fruit and Miso soup.

We went to the hot springs outside, right next to the sea. It was freezing cold as we walked outside, then burning hot when inside the spring. We then went inside to the men's but the springs had switched, meaning that there was no cold water.

When we arrived at the station, we had 40 minutes to kill, so we went into the souvinirs, and I got Kakashi Sensei's bell, athough it was a different colour. We then went on the Bullet Train again, and a was reading the only book in my Ipod for one and a half hours: Alice in Wonderland.

We went on lots of different trains; we even saw a double decker train! We took some wrong turns, but at last we ended up in China Town! We walked through the place, and I ate some Pork bun. We got some chestnuts for my grandparents andy uncle, who had left us after the Bullet Train.

We travelled to the Beer Village next, walking 10 minutes to the Kirin Beer Village. We listened to the Japanese speech, and we talked amongst ourselves. We had drinks: non alcholic of course ( I wanted Kirin Zero, but only adults who didn't want alcholic could have it) so I had 2 glasses of orange juice. My mother bought 6 small 150ml glasses for 580¥. We had some snacks on the way.

We then travelled to the the Ramen Noodle Musuem, and I had 1 big bowl of Ramen, and I small boel of Ramen, but both were from different restaurents. We had a look around, then left.

We went on many more trains, then went on a local train to my uncles place but he wasn't there.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

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