Monday, March 1, 2010



Today we woke up at 8 am. We watched a new show that was only out in the U.S, but we had downloaded and watched part if it while eating breakfast. The show was called Cirque De Freak.

We had 2nd breakfast at a sushi store and it was delicious. We had a set and we sat right next to the chef , so we could see what was happening.

We walked to the 100¥ shop, but it was really 105¥, because of tax. It was 5 storeys, but the only thing I wanted to buy was a multipurpose knife, but I wasn't allowed.

After that we went on a train to a shopping center. We walked around and played some games. After that we went on another train back to have dessert at Jonathan's, and had an vinilla ice-cream banana milkshake.

We went to a shop with 9 levels, each having different things. I mostly spent my time walking around, playing a game with Xander on level 7, and looking at the anima things on level 9. I bought my favourite anima character, which is in my subjects list. I bought Kakashi Sensei in a mini form, about 2cm tall. I wanted to buy a huge model, which I wanted to use as a special model in my stragety game, but I needed 100,000¥.

For dinner we went to a all-you-can-eat buffet. I ate lots, and kids got free drinks. We had 90mins to eat, so we ate fast. Xander fell asleep when he finished eating. It started to half snow, half rain when we came out. We took a train to a station near my uncles place, spent 10mins shopping for food, then arrived home.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iTouch

1 comment:

  1. So 100 yen shop is actually 105 yen due to tax? I wasn't aware of that. Then your mind calculator must be quick to see if it fits your budget. Thanks for the information.
